What will be cause of disease

Name disease how to prevent from this disease.


I dont know

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I dont know what to do

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photo clear disat nahi

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please upload clear image for better advisory

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This post is related to test purpose. Edited post.


Language test post

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Forum testing post

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Post notification test

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Different Language post test.

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Forum post language test


Forum test # Wheat - Karnal bunt post

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Forum post test # Wheat - Karnal bunt check url

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forum test # अरहर-तूर पॉड फ्लाय post

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# Wheat - Karnal bunt Forum post test

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# Wheat - Loose smut forum test

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the forum post # Wheat - Loose smut and another # Wheat - Karnal bunt

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Notification test

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Fetch background test

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Background post test

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