Soyabean crop

Soyabean crop ku Tegulu problem

  1. For control of yellow mosaic disease observed in some
    places, immediately uproot infested plants and install yellow sticky
    traps @100 / ha in the field to control the spread of whitefly.
  2. Farmers are advised to monitor
    their crop on regular intervals preferably at 3-4 locations in their fields
    and see whether any insect/pest/caterpillar is there along with their
    stage. This will facilitate the effective insect control measures.
    3)For control of girdle beetle as well as defoliators simultaneously,
    farmers are advised to apply spray of any one pre-mix insecticide
    formulations such as Chlorantraniliprole 09.30 % + Lambda
    cyhalothrin 04.60 % ZC (200 ml/ha) or Thiamethoxam + Lambda
    Cyhalothrin (125 ml/ha) or Betacyfluthrin + Imidacloprid (350 ml/ha).
    This is also useful in controlling the infestation of Stem Fly