Leaf curl in Chilli

Leaf Curl virus advisory required.

it’s a symptoms of leaf curl transmitted by thrips now the symptoms of virus is the over control stage. no any curative method may working on this stage

what can be a preventive measure? so that we can suggest to other farmers. please suggest.

Preventive measure for chili virus (vector- Thrips & whitefly)

Seedling stage:

  1. Use virus resistant genome.
  2. seed treat with lecanicillium lecanii@10ml/100g of seeds.
  3. Drench with Metarhizium anisoplea + Beauveria bassiana@100 g/10 liters of water and drench the seedling plants.(Farmers Experience)
  4. Avoid monoculture.
  5. Spray neem oil + karanj oil @30 ml/10 liters of water before transplanting of main field.

After Transplanting

  1. Apply neem cake @100 kg + pseudomonas @1kg/acre area.
  2. cut the apical shoot/ growing point of infected plant.\
  3. Drench with Metarhizium anisoplea + Beauveria bassiana@100 g/10 liters of water and drench the seedling plants.
  4. install blue sticky & white sticky traps@40-50/acre.
  5. Intercropping with maize with ration of 10:1(chili:maize) to conserve natural enemies. also for barrier to sucking pest.
  6. chili is a highly sensitive to virus or sucking pest so needs to apply neem oil or repellent after 4-5 days continuously.
  7. take one spray after 15 days of transplanting with beneviya (Cyantraniliprole 10.26 %)@40ml/10 liters of water.
  8. Take need based application of insecticide to reduced further incidence based on ETL level.